Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Videos online

Looking at videos was interesting and I can see a lot of potential for example it is a great way to reach people online.

I particuarly liked using videos as training and introducing library environment and services, it is a non confronting way of helping people to become familiar with the library.

However I can't help but think that at the moment it is really just an interesting aside, that it is still something for the future. There is still a signifcant section of the population whose only access to the Internet, or a connection good enough to make using videos viable is through a public library or Internet cafe.

I feel like I am being quite negative but I can't quite shake the feeling that getting too excited about things such as web videos could have the danger of leaving others behind. For example I don't think however there is significant value in doing for example book reviews where it is just someone talking about the book, would have to be more interactive.

That said I think there is great potential things like giving a showcase of the library and posting videos of talks and events that have happened in the library.

I particuarly like the idea of using videos for showcasing oral history etc.

1 comment:

  1. It is good you raise the idea that online will not suit everyone - a mix is needed, but there are ways that videos can be used which are positive for library clients.

    Ellen (PLS)


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