Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wrap up; social networks and catch up

It was interesting to read through some of these articles and see just how much things have changed even in the few years since this was written, for example the myspace pages linked have all but been abandoned. I guess it highlights the need to keep up with what is happening which being active in social networks would keep you?
Online social networks are so pervasive today that I think that is the way to engage with people, the new public noticeboards are online. The interconnectiveness of people on social networks means that it may be easy to reach a wider audience, you don't have to convince people to tell their friends, they just have to connect with you (like, friend, add, whatever) and all their social connections can know. So being involved in social networks is a way to engage in the community. I think these days it is not a question of should, how can we use social networking for client interaction, marketing and networking opportunities but just to join networks and be active.

1 comment:

  1. It does hightlight the changes over time to social media.

    Ellen (PLS)


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